
Lessons is where you learn grammar rules of Egyptian Arabic. We give you in-depth explanations that you need to know in order to effectively use the language.

We also cover stuff like pronunciation, irregular verbs and syntax. Stuff that might not be the most exciting…but is essential to Egyptian Arabic mastery. Love it or hate it, you can’t live without it

Once a month.

Commands In Egyptian Arabic

Commands In Egyptian Arabic

Today we are talking about how to give commands in Egyptian Arabic. This is a normal part of any language if you want to basically just tell somebody to do something. In this post we will go over a few

Beginner Egyptian Arabic Vocabulary

Beginner Egyptian Arabic Vocabulary

Today we are covering beginner Egyptian Arabic vocabulary. These are words that will come in handy when you are first starting with Egyptian Arabic. Let’s take a look. Beginner Egyptian Arabic Vocabulary: Some Important Information Nouns of have genders in

Egyptian Arabic Comparisons

Egyptian Arabic lessons | Cleolingo | The Word Keda

Egyptian Arabic comparisons are one of the most important “grammar topics” you need to know in the language. They allow you to compare things, give more details in your sentences, and speak with more eloquence. Today we are covering comparisons