Culture Corner

Egyptian culture is probably quite different than wherever you come from. While this can be quite weird at first…it’s a great chance to experience something new.

“Egyptian time”, smoking in Cairo, and the world famous Egyptian boweb….in Culture Corner, we talk about it all. As they say: “Only in Cairo.”

Every other Thursday.

Egyptian Time

Live in Cairo, and one of the first things you will realize is this: Egyptians don’t seem to be looking at the same clock as you. You will plan to meet at a café at 3, and they will show

The Egyptian Baweb

Before I came to Cairo, I was researching apartments on Craigslist. They varied greatly. Different areas. Different prices. Different kinds of roommates. Different room sizes. There was one thing they all had in common, though: a mysterious, all-powerful force that

All That Noise

Before I came to Cairo, while I was still at university, I lived next to a family. It was a mother and father and their two high school sons. They were nice enough. When I was walking home from night