Today we are covering beginner Egyptian Arabic vocabulary.
These are words that will come in handy when you are first starting with Egyptian Arabic.
Let’s take a look.
After you have learned some of the Egyptian Arabic vocabulary for beginners, be sure to pair it with common Egyptian Arabic phrases. That will help you learn even faster.
We’ve also linked some helpful Cleo Lingo posts throughout.
For now, let’s dive into 44 words:
1) Hello. : ahlan.
2) Goodbye. : salam.
3) Please. : lw sma7t.
.لو سمح
4) Thank you. : shokran.
This is far from the only way to say “thank you” in Egyptian Arabic.
5) You’re welcome. : nawart.
6) Yes. : aywa.
7) No. : laa.
8) Help. : mosa3da.
9) Today. : elnaharda.
10) Tomorrow. : bokra.
11) One time. : mra wa7da.
.مرة واحدة
12) Yesterday. : embare7.
13) Hour / s. : sa3a / sa3at.
.ساعة/ ساعات
Be sure to learn how to tell the time in Egyptian Arabic.
14) Year / s. : sana / sineen.
.سنة / سنين
15) Day / s. : youm / ayem.
.يوم/ ايام
This resource is great for the days of the week in Egyptian Arabic.
16) Week / s. : asbo3 / asabe3.
.أسبوع/ أسابيع
17) Before. : 8abl.
18) Time. : wa8t.
19) Weather. : algaw.
Be sure you also know how to talk about the weather in Egyptian Arabic!
20) Here. : hena.
21) There. : henak.
22) Now. : dlwa8ty.
23) Place. : makan.
24) School / Schools. : madarsa / madares. (fem)
.مدرسة / مدارس
25) Shop / Shops. : mahal / mahallat. (masc)
.محل / محلات
26) Bathroom / Bathrooms. : hammam / hammamet. (masc)
.حمام / حمامات
27) City / Cities. : madyna / modon. (fem)
.مدينة / مدن
28) Country / Countries. : balad / belad. (fem)
.بلد / بلاد
These kind of words are useful when talking about travel in Egyptian Arabic.
29) Thing. : haga / hagat.
.حاجة /حاجات
30) Nothing. : wala haga.
.ولا حاجة
31) Something. : 7aga mo3yna.
.حاجة معينة
32) This…. : dy / da.
…دي / دا
Which one you use will depend on if the noun is feminine (dy / di) or masculine (da).
33) Water. : mayya (fem)
34) House / Houses. : byt / byot. (masc)
.بيت / بيوت
35) Car / Cars. : 3rabya / 3arabiyat. (fem)
.عربية / عربيات
36) Language / Languages: logha / loghat. (fem)
.لغة / لغات
Check out how to talk about languages in Egyptian Arabic.
37) Movie / Movies. : fylm / aflam. (masc)
.فيلم / أفلام
38) Man / Men. : ragel / reggala. (masc)
.راجل / رجالة
39) Woman / Women. : set / setat. (fem)
.ست / ستات
40) Boy / Boys. : 3yel / 3eyal. (masc)
.عيل / عيال
41) Girl / Girls. : bent / banat. (fem)
.بنت / بنات
42) Friend / s. : saheb – saheba / sohab. (fem / masc)
.صاحب – صاحبة / صحاب
Also great to talk about your friends in Egyptian Arabic!
43) Person / People. : wahed / nas. (masc)
.واحد / ناس
44) Family / Families. : 3yla / 3a2lat. (fem)
.عيلة / عائلات
Happy learning,
Cleo Lingo
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