Culture Corner

Valentines Day in Egypt

Interested in learning about Valentine’s Day in Egypt?

You’ve come to the right place!

Today that’s exactly what we’re talking about.

What Valentine’s Day in Egypt looks like, as well as some specific “love vocabulary” in Egyptian Arabic.

Let’s get started!

When Is Valentine’s Day in Egypt Celebrated?

Valentine’s Day in Egypt is actually celebrated on two different days.

While Egyptians express love to sweethearts on February 14 like everywhere else, they also have a seperate local date (“Eid el-Hob el-Masri,” or Egyptian Love Day) on November 4th.

On both days, lovers are expected (almost obligated) to buy a gift for their partners.

They also go out on dates and express their love to their significant others. Traditional flowers and chocolates are the go-to gift in Egypt.

However, we at Cleo Lingo promote innovative gifts when it comes to expressing love. So next time you are buying a gift for your boyfriend, just hand him a shawerma!

(Pro Egyptian tip from Tarek: break up with your girlfriend before February starts!)

Don’t worry: if you forget about Valentine’s Day, the young couples in the streets with their matching red outfits and giant teddy bears will remind you!

I would say that there is nothing culturally special about that day in Egypt (I know, what a great “culture” post). The celebrated day itself has nothing to do with the local culture, and you can tell.

For the people that do celebrate Valentine’s Day, it’s mostly just teenagers from the middle class (who have nothing else to do on that day).

Like all the other holidays, festivals, and pretty much any day in Cairo, consumerism is the main highlight of the day. Manufacturers, traders and local shops, as well as online market places, will use the day to promote their extra expensive chocolates, flowers,  or “Valentine’s” gift packages.

Sound familiar?

Egypt isn’t so special after all!

Valentines Day in Egypt: Vocabulary

Note: this post was originally written before we wrote the Franco version of Egyptian Arabic (the Latin script on the right of the translations).

For more information on what it “should” look like, check out our post on how to use Franco-Arabic to write Arabic words.

The love. : elHHuhb.


Valentine’s Day = “Love Festival” : EYE’id elHHUHB (or “yome el VALENtine”).

.عيد الحب

Teddy bear. : dehbDOOB.


Flowers. : WEARid.


Valentines Day in Egypt: Example Sentences

I love you. : And bawHHEHbuck/ick.

.انا بحبك

The first is saying it to a guy, the second to a girl.

Check out this post on conjugating verbs for more information.

I love her. : Ana BAWhhehBAWhaw.


I love him. : Ana bawHHEHboo.


Everything is red today. : KOLEuh HAGA AWHHmar ELnuhHARduh.

.كل حاجة لونها احمر النهاردة

Here are the colors in Egyptian Arabic if you are curious.

I want to buy some flowers. : EYEizz ehSHTEHree WAREid.

.اناعايز اشتري ورد

What? 20 Guinneas for one flower? That’s too expensive. : AY? WEARid WAHHduh BAWehSHREEN giNEE? Dee ghAWlee OWee!

.ايه؟؟؟ وردة واحدة ب ٢٠ جنية؟ دي غالية قوي

I don’t like to go out on Valentine’s day! : Ana mawbawHEHbish AWKHrug yome elVALentine.

!مبحبش اخرج يوم الفالنتاين

If you are with somebody on Valentines Day:

You look cute today. : shaklek/ick helw/a elnharda.

.شكلك حلو النهاردة

.شكلك حلوة النهاردة

I am happy that we are together. : ana mabsoot/a en e7na ma3 ba3d.

انا مبسوط ان احنا مع بعض

انا مبسوطة ان احنا مع بعض

The highlighted red in the second one is what a woman would say.

If you aren’t, and feel like complaining a bit:

I hate Valentines Day. : ana bakrah yom el valntain.

انا بكره يوم الفالنتاين

I think it’s a useless day. : da yoom malosh lazma.

.ده يوم ملوش لازمة

I don’t need a boyfriend / girlfriend. I have myself and its enough. : ana mesh mehtag as7eb, ana kefaya 3lia nafsi.

انا مش محتاج اصاحب، انا كفايه عليا نفسي

Red is too much everywhere. : el a7mar kteer awy f kol 7etta.

الاحمر كتير قوي في كل حتة

Check out this post on how to use the word 7etta.

Cultural Insight

While more and more people are celebrating Valentine’s Day in Egypt, there is still some religious pushback.

For example, some more conservative Muslims think it’s not ok to celebrate days that are not directly related to Islam. This includes celebrations like birthdays.

Still, this isn’t the majority of Egyptians. If you want to celebrate Valentine’s Day in Egypt, go for it!

Happy learning, 

Cleo Lingo

Valentines Day in Egypt

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