Categories: "How To" Tuesday

How To Go To The Gym In Egyptian Arabic

Today we are discussing how to go to the gym in Egyptian Arabic.

It’s the start of a new year, so we figured it was a great time to learn how to do this!

(By the way, be sure to read up on New Year’s resolutions in Egyptian Arabic!)

In this post we follow our usual “How To” format. First, we will give you the most important vocabulary and example phrases you need for going to the gym (and talking about it) in Egyptian Arabic. After that we will cover the most important questions you need to know about exercising / gym life. Also included is an example conversation.


The Gym In Egyptian Arabic : Vocabulary

Here is the most important vocabulary you need to talk about the gym in Egyptian Arabic.

Gym. : Jeem.


Exercise / Workout. : Tamreen.


To Exercise / to workout. : Ytmran.


To Run. : Ygry.


Warming up. : Taskheen.


Muscles. : 3adlat.


Bodybuilding. : Kamal agsam.

. كمال اجسام 

Rest. : Ra7a.


The Gym In Egyptian Arabic : Example Phrases

I want to go to the gym. : Ana 3ayz aro7 elgym.

.انا عايز اروح الجيم

If you are a woman, “to want” (عايز) is one of those verbs that becomes feminine when you’re speaking.

This sentence would be the same, but with 3ayza / عايز instead.

I will workout to lose weight. : Ana hatmran 3alshan akhes.

.انا هتمرن علشان اخس 

The verb here is a good example of the Egyptian Arabic future tense.

The workout today was really good. : Eltamreen elnharda kan kwaiss awy.

.التمرين النهاردة كان كويس قوي

I have to warm up well before exercising. : Lazem askhan kwaiss abl matmran.

.لازم اسخن كويس قبل ماتمرن

Resting and food are crucial for the muscles. : El ra7a w el akl mohmeen awy 3lshan el 3adalat.

.الراحة والاكل مهمين قوي علشان العضلات

If you agree…

Skip the Egyptian koshary after your workout! 🙂

Tomorrow I have legs day, I hate it. : Bokra 3andi tamren regleen, bakraho.

.بكرة عندي تمرين رجلين, بكرهه

The Gym In Egyptian Arabic : Common Questions

Let’s move to common questions.

If you’re going to the gym in Arabic, here are some questions you might ask.

Is there a gym near here? : Fe gym orayb men hena?

في جيم قريب من هنا؟

Are you coming with me to the gym with me today? : Tegi ma3ia el gym elnharda?

تيجي معاي الجيم النهاردة؟

Why do you hit the gym? : Btro7 el gym leh?

بتروح الجيم ليه؟ 

This becomes btro7 / بتروحي when asking a woman.

You lost so much weight, do you go to the gym? : Enta khaseet awy, enta btro7 elgym?

انت خسيت قوي، انت بتروح الجيم؟

Do you go to the gym to lose weight or to build muscles? : Btro7 elgym 3lshan tekhs wala tebni 3adlat?

بتروح الجيم علشان تخس ولا تبني عضلات؟

Are you going to run in the gym today or in the streets (outside)? : Hatgry elnahrda f elgym? Wala barra f elshare3?

هتجري النهاردة في الجيم ولا بره في الشارع؟

Can I subscribe in this gym for 3 months only? : Momken ashtarek f el gym da 3 shohoor bas?

ممكن اشترك في الجيم ده 3 شهور بس؟

The word momken / moomkin is one of the most useful words when asking just about any question.

Example Conversation

And finally, here is an example conversation about going to the gym.

It’s between a man and a woman…

So keep an eye on the verb conjugations!

MAN: How are you Mai? Where are you heading to? : Ezayek ya mai, Ray7a feen?

ازيك يا مي ، رايحة فين؟

WOMAN: I’m going to the gym, I will finish and meet some friends tonight, and you? : Ray7a el gym, hakhlas w a2bel sohabi belil, w enta?

رايحة الجيم،  هخلص واقابل صحابي بليل، وانت؟

MAN: I will workout today as well, which gym are you going to? : Ana kaman hatmran elnharda, btro7y anhi gym?

انا كمان هتمرن النهاردة، بتروحي انهي جيم؟

WOMAN: This one down this street, and you? : Eli hena f akher elshare3, w enta?

اللي هنا في اخر الشارع, وانت؟

MAN: No, I workout at home everyday. : La2 ana batmran fe el beet kol yoom.

.لا انا بتمرن في البيت كل يوم

WOMAN: Very cool, I have to leave now, glad that we met. : Gamed awy, ana lazem amshi dlwa2ti, mabsota eni shoftak.

.جامد قوي، انا لازم امشي دلوقتي ، مبسوطة اني شوفتك

MAN: Me too, bye bye. : Wana kaman, bye bye.

.وانا كمان، باي باي

Cultural Insight

Egyptians are increasingly prioritizing fitness and health. The focus is no longer on just playing sports.

These days, gyms aren’t just for the wealthy. Instead, there is a diverse range of people from all walks of life that are hitting the weight rooms.

Cairo’s gyms cater to a variety of preferences. You’ll find everything from high-end, internationally branded chains with cutting-edge equipment to local gyms with a more stripped-down approach. 

Traditionally, gym culture in Egypt is heavily promoted towards men. However, recent years have seen a huge increase in female gym-goers. This has challenged societal norms throughout Egypt – which we think is a good thing!

Many gyms offer ladies-only sections or classes to cater to this growing demographic. While some gyms remain segregated by gender, many have adopted a mixed-gender approach. This reflects a changing social landscape and a growing acceptance of women participating in public spaces like gyms.

Happy learning,

Cleo Lingo

How To Go To The Gym In Egyptian Arabic

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