
The Expression Yareet (ياريت) In Egyptian Arabic: How To Use It

Yareet / ياريت is a very common Egyptian Arabic expression used for wishing or requesting something. You will hear yareet quite often in Egyptian Arabic conversations – but it can be difficult to know exactly how to use it.

In this short post, we break down everything you need to know about it.

The Expression Yareet (ياريت): Two Different Ways To Use It

There are basically two main ways to use the expression yareet. These are:

  • Wishing something. In this way yareet / ياريت is used to express a hope or desire for something to happen. It’s basically similar to saying “hopefully.”
  • Requesting something. In this way yareet / ياريت is a polite way to ask somebody to do something. It basically softens the “directness” of asking. It’s similar to using the words “want” or “please.”

These are the main ways that the expression yareet / ياريت is used in Egyptian Arabic. Pretty simple! Now that we’ve learned the two main ways it’s used, let’s check out some examples in action.


How To Use Yareet / ياريت : Examples

Wishing something:

Hopefully I can travel this summer. : Yareet a3raf asafer elseef da.

.ياريت اسافر الصيف ده

I wish it was that easy. : Yareet kant sahla keda.

.ياريت كانت سهلة كده

Requesting something:

I want you to come with me if you can. : Yareet tegy ma3ia law t3raf.

.ياريت تيجي معايا لو تعرف

Could you please talk to him? : Yareet tkalmo enta?

.ياريت تكلمه انت


An Important Note About Yareet / ياريت

Your tone of voice is super important when it comes to using the expression yareet in Egyptian Arabic. 

For example, a gentle and hopeful tone emphasizes a wish. A pleading tone, meanwhile, will make the expression much more similar to a request. This is especially important to remember in terms of common Egyptian cultural norms.

Something to keep in mind as you practice this important expression!

Happy learning,

Cleo Lingo

The Expression Yareet (ياريت) In Egyptian Arabic: How To Use It

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