Categories: "How To" Tuesday

Weather in Egyptian Arabic : How To Talk About It

Talking about the weather in Egyptian Arabic: it’s something everybody wants to know, but nobody wants to learn.

Because let’s face it: the weather is pretty boring, and studying it is even worse. You’d probably rather know how to order shisha in Egyptian Arabic. 😉

Still, it’s essential.

So today, Cleo Lingo will be explaining how to talk about the weather in Egyptian Arabic.

Weather in Egyptian Arabic Vocabulary

First we’ll cover the main words you need to know to talk about the weather in Egyptian Arabic.

After that well get into some more actionable phrases.

Cold. : bard.


Hot. : 7arr.


Rain. : matar.


Snow. : talg.


Sun. : shams.


Wind/Air. : hawa.


While the word “hawa” literally means (air), Egyptians use it meaning “Wind”.

What about when its too windy? you guessed it right, they say “Strong Air” = Hawa gamed

Weather in Egyptian Arabic Example Phrases

Now let’s cover some longer phrases.

All of these are good to know when chatting about the weather in Egyptian Arabic!

Hot Weather In Egyptian Arabic

The weather is nice/average/bad/horrible. : El gaw 7elw/ kwaiss/ we7esh/we7esh awy.

.الجو حلو/كويس/وحش/وحش قوي

It is hot. : elgaw 7ar.

.الجو حر

I am so hot. : ana 7arran awy.

.انا حران قوي

The weather in Egypt is pretty much always hot, but sometimes you’ll get lucky. Because of that, really focus on getting the phrases for “hot/sunny/etc.” correct. It only rains rarely….and if you ever have to say “it’s snowing” in Cairo….well, stop using drugs.

It is sunny. : fe shams.

.في شمس

The weather is beautiful today. : ElGaw gameel elnharda.

.الجو جميل اوي النهاردة

Cold Weather in Egyptian Arabic

It is cold. : elgaw bard.

.الجو برد

I’m freezing. : Ana bardan awy.

.انا بردان قوي

And when it’s sunny, what better way then to get yourself some alcoholic refreshments at Drinkie’s:

Here’s how to buy alcohol in Egypt.

It is rainy (super rainy). :el donia betmatar”

.الدنيا بتمطر

It looks like its gonna rain today. : shaklaha hatmatar elnharda.

شكلها هتمطر النهاردة

While rain is unlikely, it’s possible. It’s also highly undesirable. This just isn’t something that you want. With how dirty the streets are, things quickly turn into mud. Also, if you are in the right part of town, the trash on the ground might get wet. And wet garbage kinda sucks.

It’s windy (so windy). : fe hawa gamed awy.

.في هواء جامد قوي

It’s so dusty, I’m not going to go  out. : fe torab gamed, ana mesh hanzel.

.في تراب جامد, انا مش هنزل

It is snowy. : fee talg.

.في تلج

This is impossible! : mosta7eel.


Yes, snow is indeed impossible.

However, this word is pretty useful in a bunch of other situations.

It is 10/20/30/40 degrees. : el7arara 3ashra/3eshren/talateen/arb3een.

الحرارة 10/20/30/40

Remember that Egyptians use Celcius. If you are an uncultured American buffoon like myself, this will take some getting used to. If you are any other person in the universe….well, no worries.

I will catch a flu like this (when the weather changes rapidly). : ana keda hygyli bard.

.انا كده هيجيلي برد

In addition, you might want to learn how to say the seasons in Arabic.

Some Other Things You Might Say

The sun/clouds/sky/moon. : elshams/elsa7ab/elsama/el2amar/elnogom.

.الشمس/السحاب/ السماء/القمر / النجوم

Here are some random things that float around in the sky. We aren’t scientists, sorry.

Lots of times, Egyptians say things quickly so it sounds like “ih” instead of “il” at the beginning of nouns.

Simple way to ask somebody how they are feeling:

Are you warm/cold? : enta bardan/7arran?

انت بردان؟/حران؟

What will the weather be like? : elgaw 3amel eh?

الجو عامل ايه؟

How should I dress? : Albes eh?

البس ايه ؟

Wear something heavy, its cold! : elbes t2eel. elgaw bard.

!البس تقيل, الجو برد

Do you have an extra jacket? : ma3ak jacket zeyada?

معاك جاكت زيادة؟

In case you forgot, zeyada is also a good word to know at an Egyptian ahwa.

Also, the two forms of “have” and how to use them.

This is a great one to end on. Even if you don’t know what it’s like outside, maybe your Egyptian friend will.

Example Conversation About The Weather in Egyptian Arabic

What will the weather be like tomorrow. : elgaw hyb2a 3amel eh bokra?

الجو هيبقى عامل ايه بكرة؟

I don’t know. Probably warm. : mesh 3aref, ghaleban 7ar

.مش عارف. غالبا حر

Warm? But it rained yesterday…plus it’s December! : 7ar? bas de mataret embare7, w ba3den ehna f december!

.حر؟ بس دي مطرت امبارح…و بعدين احنا في ديسمبر

Yeah, but we are in Cairo, don’t forget! : ah bas e7na f elqahera, matnsash

!اه بس احنا في القاهرة متنساش

Good point. I will wear something light, but will also bring jacket tomorrow. :  ah fe3lan, khalas ana halbes haga khafefa, w agyb ma3ia jacket bokra

.اه فعلا. خلاص انا هلبس حاجة خفيفة واجيب معايا جاكت

Good idea! : fekra helwa

!فكرة حلوة

Cultural Insight

If the weather is warm and sunny in Egypt (the case for about eight months out of the year) there are plenty of things to do. Take a walk, sit outside with a tea, jump on a scooter.

However, Cleo Lingo highly recommends something with the Nile. Maybe not swimming in it, but at the very least walking alongside it. The river is hard to beat (as dirty as it is at times) and a nice stroll along the Nile can work wonders when the weather is right.

A felucca is also an awesome idea. Just as long as you have a beer, as well.

Good luck with that Egyptian sun. 🙂


Happy learning,

Cleo Lingo

Weather in Egyptian Arabic : How To Talk About It

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