"How To" Tuesday

How to Navigate the Airport in Egyptian Arabic


Everybody likes to travel.

Going to new places is always exciting, and doing it with a plane makes it fast, comfortable, and convenient.

But getting to the airport, and handling things once you are actually there, can be tricky.

And doing that in Egypt?

Well, it helps to learn some stuff. Especially if you are planning on actually getting on the right plane.

Today, Cleo Lingo will be explaining….how to navigate the airport in Egyptian Arabic


Airport. : “El muhTAWR.”


Airplane. : “El teyeYAWruh”


Ticket. : “El tuzzKAWruh.”


Gate. : “BowWEHbuh.”


Luggage claim. : “El SHUHnuht.”


Customs. : “El guhMEHrick.”


Stamp. : “El khIHtim.”


Passport. : “El passBOOuh”


Visa . : “El VEEzuh / El tawSHEEruh.”


We have already covered how to get your taxi to the hotel when you exit the Cairo airport.

But how do you actually get there?

A lot of these phrases are especially handy in a taxi.

For getting to the airport, Uber is probably even cheaper, though.

Going to the Airport

I want to go to the airport. : “EYEizz awROOH elmuhTAWR, LOHsuhMAWHt.”

.عايز اروح المطار

Do you know the directions? : “AW’riff eltawREE?”

عارف الطريق؟

Which airline? : “teyeRAWN AY?”

طيران ايه؟

Which terminal? : “TURMINILL KEHM?”

تيرمنال كام؟

There are three (تلاتة) terminals at the Cairo airport.

If you are taking an international flight, you will probably be going to terminal 3

For a flight within Egypt, your terminal is likely 1.

I am traveling to…. : “Ana muhSEHfrr lih…”

…انا مسافر ل

Notice how Tarek gives a few examples.

“Lih” is basically like “to…,” so add here whatever you want.

I am afraid of flying. : “Ana bawKHEFF men illteyeYAWruh.”

.انا بخاف من الطيارة

At the Airport 

Do you want my passport? : “EYEizz elpassBOOuh?”

عايز الباسبور؟

I will get my ticket from the counter. : “Hawgeeb LISSuh eltuzzKAWruh men llSHAREkuh.”

.هجيب لسة التذكرة من الشركة

I have my ticket here. : “Ana mawAYuh tuzzKAWruh.”

.انا معايا التذكرة هنا


If you are traveling internationally, the Egyptian workers usually scan your bag before you even make it to the ticket counters.

You basically just drop your bag on the moving belt (usually take off your shoes), and head on through.

Make sure you keep your passport on you, as they will likely check that before letting you through.

When do we board? : “EMtuh huhNEHTlaw elteyeYAWruh?”

امتى هنطلع الطيارة؟

Which gate is my flight? : “El teyeYAWruh bihTAW’tee EHNhee bowWEHbuh?”

الطيارة بتاعتي انهي بوابة؟

Do I need to remove my shoes / belt? : “LEHzim EH’leh elGIZZmuh / elhihZEHM?”

لازم اقلع الجزمة؟/الحزام؟

Do you want me to take out the laptop? : “EYEihZEHnee uhTEHluh elLAPtop?”

عايزني اطلع اللابتوب؟

Just like anywhere else in the world.

The laptop will need to have it’s own separate bucket.

Fill the form/the Card : “EHMlaw elKART.”

.املا الكارت

Unlike anywhere else in the world, there is a form/card that you have to fill and hand over to the immigration officer before getting on the plane (coming to or leaving from Egypt).

We don’t really know why they need this form that asks for your name, where are you going, your passport number and flight number.

Kind of weird, considering all this information is already mentioned in the ticket and boarding pass.

The Flight

I am row….25 : “Ana fee SUFF KHUMsuh w ehSHREEN.”

انا في صف خمسة وعشرين/ اتنين و تلاتين

This is my seat. : “DAW elKORsee biTEH’ee.”

.ده الكرسي بتاعي

Can I put my bag here? : “MOOMkin uhHUHT SHUNtawtee HEHnuh?”

ممكن احط شنطتي هنا؟

Can I have the pillow/blanket? : “MOOMkin MUKHduh / GHUHtuh?”

ممكن مخدة/ غطا؟

Can I recline my seat? : “MOOMkin uhBEHdill elKORsee biTEH’ee?”

ممكن ابدل الكرسي بتاعي؟

The ever-powerful “moomkin.”

You start out a billion questions in Egyptian Arabic with “moomkin” (“Can I…” / “May I…”).

Learn this ASAP.

I would like more coffee / tea. : “MOOMkin SHEYE / AWhwuh kuhMEHN?”

ممكن شاي/ قهوة كمان؟

We know you have already learned all the necessary words for coffee.

In case you forgot, some of these might be applicable in this situation.

The food tastes like shit. : “elEHkoll ZAYuh ehlKHUHruh.”

.الاكل زي الخرة

We know that usually this is the most suitable term to describe the food on the plane

I want / don’t want sugar. : “Ana (mish) EYEizz SOOkrr.”

.انا (مش) عايز سكر

Most likely not, though. It’s just going to be crappy coffee anyway.

We are almost there. : “OhRUHBnuh NOOsll.”

.قربنا نوصل

A phrase you can use in a lot of “travel situations.”

Thank you. Goodbye. : “SHOkrawn. MAW suhLEHmuh.”

.شكرا. مع السلامة

The ultimate “farewell in Arabic.”

Pretty much all Arabs use “maw sawlawmuh.”

Cultural Insight

We will just say it: Egypt Air doesn’t suck.

It seems like I have met a ton of non-Egyptians that only know the country by a few crashes from the most well-known airline.

Shit happens. Airplane crashes are definitely very sad, and always horrible when they happen.

But generally, Egypt Air is just as safe as any other airline.

And cheaper, too.

Good luck with all that traveling. 🙂

Happy learning,

Cleo Lingo

How to Navigate the Airport in Egyptian Arabic

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