Categories: "How To" Tuesday

How To Go on a Date in Egyptian Arabic (Love in Egypt, Part 2)

Today is part two of our three part series “Love in Egypt.”

Last week we showed you how to flirt in Egyptian Arabic.

We hope you were successful. 🙂 Now today, you’ll learn how to actually go on a date in Egyptian Arabic!

We’ll give you all the example phrases and vocabulary phrases you need to be respectful, charming, and fun.

Let’s get started with how to go on a date in Egyptian Arabic!

Go on a Date in Egyptian Arabic: Vocabulary

If you are going on a date in Egyptian Arabic, here is some vocabulary that you should know.

Date (noun and verb). : ma3ad.


Note that the word “ma3ad” is not commonly used to refer to a date.

Because Egyptian society is not well-adapted to dating culture, people usually skip that step and go straight to engagement (although “dating” as its known in the western world is becoming increaisngly common).

This means that the “date” is referred to as the activity they are going to do (and not necessarily the step before being in a relationship).

Meet (verb). : yawehbl.


Weekend. : ekhr elesboouh.

.اخر الاسبوع

Literally “end of week.”

Free (like when are you free). : fawdthee.


Go on a Date in Egyptian Arabic: Example Phrases

We have split today’s example phrases into three different section: before the date, during the date, and after the date.

That way you have something to tell your Egyptian date at all stages of the process! 🙂

These examples phrases for “male vs. female” are a little bit mixed. 

Let’s see how you do with your comprehension! 🙂

Before The Date

When do you want to meet? : 3ayza net2abel emta? / 3ayz net2abel emta?

عايزة نتقابل امتى؟ / عايز نتقابل امتى؟ 

Where do you want to meet? : t7by net2abel fen? / t7b net2abel fen?

تحبي نتقابل فين؟/  تحب نتقابل فين؟

Maybe we can meet on the weekend? : momken net2abel f akher elesbo3?

ممكن نتقابل اخر الاسبوع؟

Do you have time next week? : 3andek wa2t elesbo3 elgai? / 3andak wa2t elesbo3 elgai?

عندك وقت الاسبوع الجاي؟

When are you free? : enty fadya / enta fady emta?

انت فاضية/فاضي امتى؟

When do you have work / school? : 3andek/uck shoghl/gam3a emta?

عندك شغل/جامعة امتى؟

What do you want (us( to do? : t7by / 3ayza ne3ml eh? / t7b ne3ml eh?

تحبي/تحب نعمل ايه؟

Do you have any suggestions? : 3andek  ay ekra7at? / 3andak ay ektra7at?

عندك اي اقتراحات؟

Let’s go the movies / go for a walk / eat dinner  / get a feluca / go to a cafe / eat koshary. : yala nro7 el cinema/netmasha/net3asha/nerkab feluca/nro7 cafe/nakol koshary

.يلا نروح سينما / نتعشى/ نركب فلوكة / نروح كافيه / ناكل كشري

These are all things we have covered before.

For more information about how to do these things correctly in Egyptian Arabic, check out how to: go to the cinema, rent a felucca, order shisha, order at an Egyptian ahwa, and order koshary.

So much info!

I’m happy to see you. : mabsot eni hashofek / mabsota eny hashofak.

.مبسوط / مبسوطة اني هشوفك

I’m excited to see you. : mot7ames eni hashofek / mot7amesa eny hashofak.

.متحمس/متحمسة اني هشوفك

These last two phrases are sometimes used as basically the same thing.

During The Date

These next phrases will be while you are actually ON the date.

You look great. : shaklek 7elw awy / shaklak 7elw awy.

.شكلك حلو قوي

We use 7elw (not 7elwa) for both males and females because we are describing the look / shape (شكل, which is a masculine word), NOT the person. Important distinction here!

Also a good idea here to brush up on your Egyptian Arabic compliments. 😉

What do you want to talk about? : te7by netklm f eh? t7b netklm f eh?

تحبي/تحب نتكلم في ايه؟

What do you do in your life? : bt3mli eh f 7yatek? bt3mel eh f 7yatak?

بتعملي ايه في حياتك؟ /  بتعمل ايه في حياتك؟

What is your job (Lit. You work what)? : btshtaghli eh? / btshtaghal eh?

بتشتغلي/ بتشتغل ايه؟

This question can sometimes be a bit difficult to answer.

That’s why we wrote a post about how to talk about your job in Egyptian Arabic.

What makes you happy (Lit. What most thing makes you happy)? : eh aktar 7aga btebstek? eh aktar haga btebstak?

ايه اكتر حاجة بتبسطتك؟

Do you live with your family? : enty 3aysha ma3 ahlek? / enta 3aysh ma3 ahlak?

انتي عايشة مع اهلك؟ / انت عايش مع اهلك؟

Check out how to introduce yourself in Egyptian Arabic.

That post covers some super useful vocab if you are going on a date with an Egyptian!

It was a great idea for usto go out! : kant fekra helwa awy en e7na nokhrog!

!كانت فكرة حلوة اوي ان احنا نخرج

It makes me happy to spend time with you. : etbasat eni adet wa2t ma3aki/ma3ak.

.اتبسطت اني قضيت وقت معاكي/معاك

I am happy today. : ana mabsot/mabsota elnharda.

.انا مبسوط/مبسوطة النهاردة

After The Date

Some last phrases to finish the date on a high note. 🙂

I had a lot of fun today. : ana etbasat awy elnharda.

.انا اتبسطت قوي النهاردة

 Let’s do this again. : yalla ne3ml keda tani

.يلا نعمل كده تاني

Can I see you again? : momken ashofek tani? momken ashofak tani?

ممكن اشوفك تاني؟

Do you want to meet again? : t7by net2abel tani? t7b net2abel tani?

تحبي/تحب نتقابل تاني؟

Check out how to say goodbye in Egyptian Arabic.

Take your pick!

I really like you. : enty 3agbani awy/ enta 3agbni awy

.انتي عاجباني قوي / انت عاجبني قوي

I feel good when I’m with you. : ana batbset w ana ma3aki/ma3ak

.انا بتبسط وانا معاكي/معاك

I love talking to you. : ana ba7b atklm ma3aki/ma3ak

.انا بحب اتكلم معاكي/معاك

You are a great person. : enty/enta shakhsya 3azema

.انتي/انت شخصية عظيمة

Here we used the word 3azema for both male and female, we didn’t use “3azeem” and “3azeema” because we are describing the word “شخصية” which is a feminine word.

Thank you for the great time. : motshake/motshakera awy 3ala elwa2t el helw da

.متشكر/متشكرة على الوقت الحلو ده

We wrote a post on the different ways of saying “thank you.”

Just in case you want to switch things up!

What will you do next week? : hat3mli/ hat3mel eh el esbo3 elgai?

هتعملي/هتعمل ايه الاسبوع الجاي؟

See you tomorrow / next week? : ashofek bokra? / elesbo3 elgai?

اشوفك بكرة/الاسبوع الجاي؟

Cultural Insight

Finding a date in Egypt can be difficult.

It’s a conservative culture. The “casual dating” thing isn’t as common as in western countries.

That said, it can (and does) happen.

You’ll meet Egyptians interested in dating at cultural events, through mutual friends, at house parties, and at cafes.

My main tip? If you’re interested in dating an Egyptian (and going on dates in Egyptian Arabic), give online dating a try.

You’ll never know who you’ll meet!

Happy learning,

Cleo Lingo

How To Go on a Date in Egyptian Arabic (Love in Egypt, Part 2)

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