If you live in Egypt, you should know how to buy groceries in Egyptian Arabic.
You could, of course, just eat fast food all the time.
But nobody wants to do that!
So take a seat, and learn some new words today.
Today, Cleo Lingo will be explaining…how to buy groceries in Egyptian Arabic.
Grocery بقالة
Small market بقالة – sometimes they ignore the fact that its a small market and they also call it a supermarket
Food اكل
Drinks شرب
Supermarket سوبر ماركت
Basket / s سلة
Cart / s عربية
Bag / s شنطة / كيس
Buy يشتري
Eat ياكل
Because there is so much overlap with useful words / phrases, check out our post on how to buy your snacks at a koshk.
Now here is the good stuff. Things you might actually say in an Egyptian supermarket.
I need to buy food. انا عايز اشتري اكل
Ana 3ayz ashtry akl.
Where can I buy food? ممكن اشتري اكل منين
Momken ashtry Akl mnen?
I want to buy some / water / juice. انا عايز اشتري مايه/ عصير
Ana 3ayz ashtry maya/ 3asser
Is there a (good/big) supermarket here? في سوبرماركت كبير هنا؟
Fe supermarket kbeer hena?
Where is the supermarket? فين السوبر ماركت
feen elsupermarket?
For more phrases on directions, how to ask for directions in Egyptian Arabic was one of our very first posts.
Is this the supermarket? ده السوبر ماركت
Hwa da elsupermarket?
Do you work here? بتشتغل هنا؟
bteshtaghal hena?
Can I please use the basket / cart? ممكن السلة؟ ممكن العربية
Momken elsalla? momken el 3arbya?
Where are the carts? فين العربيات؟
fen el3arbyat?
Can you help me? I am looking for….cheese / bread / coffee. ممكن تساعدني؟ …فين الجبن؟ فين العيش؟ فين القهوة؟ فين الدقيق؟
momken tsa3deny? fen elgeban? fen el3eesh? fen elahwa? fen eld2ee2?
This is just basically a list of things you might buy.
We covered a lot of food items on our posts about Egyptian kitchen vocab.
Check out the first one here and the second one here.
Milk لبن
Butter زبدة
Cheese جبنة
Bread عيش
Tea شاي
Coffee قهوة
And because I know you love your coffee, how to order coffee in Egyptian Arabic might be quite useful.
Water مياه
Eggs بيض
Meat لحمة
Chocolate شوكولاته
Flour دقيق
Sugar سكر
Salt ملح
If you want to buy fruits or vegetables, don’t do it at the indoor supermarket.
Instead, we recommend going outside to any of the outdoor markets. This is where the good stuff is.
How to buy fruits and vegetables in Egyptian Arabic is a great post to check out.
You can also buy phone credit at a supermarket.
But we wrote post on how to do that easier!
How to get your phone up and running in Egyptian Arabic.
How expensive is everything? كام كده كله؟
kam keda kolo?
Do you have change? معاك فكة؟
ma3ak fakka?
At this point, knowing how to bargain in Egyptian Arabic might be a good skill to have.
Can I please have a bag? ممكن كيس لو سمحت
momken kees law sama7t?
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